
Up Next in Kids

Kids Worship Playlist
Kids Worship Playlist
Dance and sing along anytime to our worship playlist
What We're Teaching

What We're Teaching

In the jungle, every day is an unpredictable adventure! But to safely navigate the vines, animals, and tricky terrain, we’ll need a guide to help lead us. This four-week series follows the life of Moses and his journey to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Through his story, we’ll discover how God teaches us how to lead, and learn how to follow God’s lead as God leads us to safety, and to what we need!

Memory Verse: "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths" Psalm 25:4 (NIV)

More Info Here
GC Kids

GC Kids

GC Kids exists to equip kids with a strong biblical foundation, allowing them to identify where they fit in God’s story.

We want to show them God’s love for them and help them navigate what to do in response to that love. Rest assured that we practice safety and emergency protocols, and vet our leaders with background checks and have accountability steps in place. We look forward to the honor of spending time with your kids!